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  • Comparing an All Natural Pet Vitamin to the Number One Commercial Pet Vitamin

    Pets can benefit from a pet vitamin supplement just as we can. It has been determined that a pet vitamin provides important, necessary nutritional support to our pet's health. Some of the health issues that can be helped by a good pet vitamin include, itching, hot spots, allergies, arthritis, low energy and digestive problems. These are just a few of the health problems your pet faces if he doesn't have the proper pet vitamin.

    So, how do you know which vitamin to choose for your pet? There are many different vitamins available from your pet store, vet, or even your grocery store. They all seem to indicate that they provide exactly what your pet needs. It can be confusing and time consuming to read the labels of all these choices, but that is the only way to know what you're getting for your money. To make it a little easier, I have done a comparison between an all natural, human grade pet vitamin, and the best selling commercially available pet vitamin.

    The commercially available vitamin contains minimal vitamins and minerals, including, Vitamin A, wheat germ, pork liver meal, dicalcium phosphate, iron oxide and manganese sulfate. Other ingredients include, corn syrup, kaolin, which is an inert filler, sucrose, lactose, gelatin, and corn starch. As you can see, you are getting more sugar and fillers than nutrients. These fillers provide no health benefits to your pet.

    An all natural, human grade pet vitamin is exactly that. There are 34 ingredients combined to provide the best support to your pet's health. Some of the ingredients in the all natural vitamin are, alfalfa to aid digestion, alpha amylase to aid in the absorption of nutrients, amino acids to aid in building muscle and beta carotene, which is the natural form of Vitamin A. This high quality vitamin also includes antioxidants that reduce free radicals in the system. This protects the cells and tissue from damage.
    Some of the other natural ingredients include things like evening primrose oil, a digestive stimulant that also helps with arthritis and reduces the risk of blood clots. Cats claw is an herb with great ability to aid in healing. These are just a few of the more than 30 ingredients that make up a quality, all natural vitamin.

    You might think your veterinarian is the best place to get a pet vitamin. While your vet may have a vitamin available that is better than your grocery store brands, he may be obligated by a contract to carry certain products. This is especially true in the case of the large corporate veterinary franchises. He may not be recommending the best all natural pet vitamin, but the brand he receives a profit for selling. I'm not suggesting that there is anything wrong with a vet that supplies certain products, its just that there are better pet vitamins available. I think we all want what is best for our four-legged companions. We want them to live a long and healthy life. Wouldn't you want the best for your pet?
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