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  • Online Business Marketing, How To Make Google SERPs To Work

    Todays online business marketing has to use Google+, rel=author and maybe the self hosted videos, if it wants to boost the click through rates. Actually Google punishes nowadays for using the old ranking methods, like submitting articles to the content farms, i.e. directories, which it sees to include low quality content only.
    It is hard to believe for some webmasters, like me, that what was good yesterday is bad today and its time to follow the new rules, for a while. Actually Google changes algorithms regularly, tens of times in an year to keep the competitiveness high. A webmaster has to follow these changes regularly and to react immediately to keep his rankings high.
    1. The Meaning Of The Description Meta Tag.
    Usually Google shows the title and the description, a part of it or the description, which it has picked by itself from some part of the content on the result page. It is clear, that the title and the description both have an influence on the click through rates. Whether the description is informative, call to action type or transactional has its influence.
    2. Check Certain Things About Your Title Tag.
    The title is the most important part of your page. Think, how demanding job it has, when it is listed on the result page of Google! It must be a unique one, be able to stand out from the crowd, to include the search term and to promise a benefit in a sexy way without revealing everything. You can open some result pages and think, how well the title, and the description, do the work compared to the competitive texts.
    3. Are The Rich Snippets More Effective? The webmasters know, that the long tail keywords work better, than the two word ones, for example, because people, who use these know better, what they want, so the click through rates are better. Google prefers rich snippets for some content types like businesses, reviews, products, people and organizations. To select the working one a webmaster has to test the different alternatives.
    4. Google+ And Rel=Author. After Google Search Your World Plus Google+ is even more effective to get the high rankings. It seems that Google+ and Google Search Your World Plus is here to stay. If you still think to establish Google+ and rel=author you are a little bit late, but better late than never. This gives you an opportunity to make your site a brand.
    5. Think To Use A Self Hosted Video. When search result marketers think the video, they usually think the optimized YouTube one. One thing is important, when a clicker lands on the site, its not yours, its Google property. But you can get the video on your site ranked, when you submit a video site map to the webmaster tools at Google.
    A video, if a quality one, has a good click through rate. Google search engine rankings are very important and effective way to get related traffic to the site, but there are dangers. A webmaster never knows how dramatically Google will change the ranking rules and it can happen that the major part of the traffic will disappear over night, as happened with Panda. It is wise to diversify the traffic sources to guarantee, that the business is rolling whatever will happen


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