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  • Wisconsin Election Recount Likely In Race Between JoAnne Kloppenburg, David Prosser

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court race between Justice David Prosser and JoAnne Kloppenburg was still too close to call on Wednesday morning. One day after voters took to the polls in the Badger State to decide the match-up, it seemed that a recount vote would be likely to occur.
    The Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel reports:
    As of 10:40 a.m., the Associated Press had results for all but 3 of the state's 3,630 precincts and Kloppenburg had taken a 224 vote lead after Prosser had been ahead most of the night by less than 1,000 votes.
    That close margin had political insiders from both sides talking about the possibility of a recount, which Wisconsin has avoided in statewide races in recent decades. Any recount could be followed by lawsuits -- litigation that potentially would be decided by the high court.
    Prosser's campaign didn't immediately return a message early Wednesday. However, the Journal-Sentinel reported that he told supporters at his election-night party that there was "little doubt" there would be a recount.
    When the numbers showed her behind, Kloppenburg told supporters she hadn't given up.
    "We're still hopeful," Kloppenburg said. "So thank you all and let's all get a good night's sleep and see what tomorrow brings."
    Labor groups and conservative activists turned the match-up into an intense and expensive contest that offered the public their first formal opportunity to weigh in on the national fight over union rights.According to the AP, the race was the most expensive of its kind in state history.


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