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  • Hey It's OK...

    To buy a new album purely for two songs, which you repeat over and over (and over) again be that person who laughs way too loudly during speeches take a break from painful brow-plucking and call it your 'spring 2011 catwalk thing' be vegetarian 99% of the time. What happens at 2am stays between you and that, er, bacon sandwich

    ...if the 'emergency' that made you late for your friend had less to do with an actual emergency and more to do with getting your roots done

    ...if the only added 'extra' you use on your phone is the calculator tell your friend that her boyfriend is horrible, if he is

    ...if your biggest achievement on a hungover Sunday is having a shower. Ten minutes' standing upright = Serious. Effort only delete a guy's number if you know you have it written down somewhere. Or memorised


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