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  • World's Most Strange & Haunted Places

    Some people believe on paranormal and supernatural existence and some not. Both school of thoughts are here. There are many haunted places in the world that are proved haunted places because of the personal experiences of the people living around. So here we have made up a list of some really haunted places of the world. Next time you travel there, think twice.

    Hotel Chelsea

    The hotel is known as an American cultural icon as many of the artists, musicians and writers created pieces of their art here. Evidences have been found of the presence of ghosts of writers Dylan Thomas and Eugene O'Neill.

    Paris Catacombs

    At the end of 18th century, the remains of Parisian generations were stored here to lessen the overcrowding of cemeteries in Paris. Paris catacombs have a human skull lining. Shrieks and other strange kind of voices have been reported by visitors.

    Inveraray Castle

    In 1644, a Harpist was hanged who was accused of peeping at the lady of the house. It is now said that the castle is haunted by that harpist as a mysterious sound of harp playing is heard in the castle.

    Bran Castle

    Bran Castle is known to the world due to the legend of dracula. Here 20,000 Ottoman attackers were impaled from rectum to sternum in the near forest. The castle is still a sign of horror and is considered to be haunted by the ghosts of its inhabitants.

    Hotel Del Coronado

    There is a story about the hotel, of a lady, who came here to meet her husband who didn't arrive. Later she was found dead on the door steps after few days. After that visitors report to have seen a pale figure in black lace dress on the door step.
    The island has an infamous but most strictly secured prison in the world. Here are kept the high risk convicts. Visitors have reported to hear footsteps and slamming doors in the priso

    Amityville Horror House

    The Lutz family reported to have experienced numerous paranormal activities in the house. The former residents of the house, DeFeo family had lost six of their family members in this house a year before they left it.

    New Orleans

    The beautiful city has a dark region in it. The region although covered between buildings but still it is haunted enough to overcome city's beauty.

    Eastern State Penitentiary

    The prison's intention was to reform the prisoners which often get failed, resulting in making the prisoners insane. After long time of closure of this prison, still people hear screaming voices like of mad persons.

    Sleepy Hollow

    Many people have seen a Horseman beheaded by a cannonball from the Revolutionary war in the sleepy hallows.

    Edinburgh Castle

    The castle is said to be haunted by a large number of ghosts who are seen roaming about in it.

    Stanley Hotel

    The Overlook Hotel of ‘The Shining' was the inspiration from this Hotel. If that was scary for you, never visit this hotel. It is said to be haunted by its founder but voices of children have also been heard at times when there were no children in the hotel.

    Petzow Castle

    The castle has a cruel history of Communist apparatchiks and murderous barons.

    The Myrtles Plantation

    the house was given the title of America's Most Haunted Home as it is haunted by at least 11 spirits. There is a portrait in it whose features become animated at times. Moreover, bloody handprints and doors opening on their own have also been seen.

    The White House

    well, world's most famous building is also haunted. Shocked? It is said that the ghost of Abigail Adams is seen cleaning the laundry there.

    Pfister Hotel

    The hotel has the privilege to have many celebrities here but what no one of them knew is that it is haunted by hotel's founder.

    Salem, Massachusetts

    The museum contains the witch legend of this town from 1692 and is claimed to be the most visited spot of the town.

    Tower of London

    It is the most haunted and scaring building of England. A guard in 1816 died of horror in it. Many ghosts walking there have been witnessed by visitors.

    Point Hicks Lighthouse

    after the completion of this lighthouse, its keeper disappeared. Later people have seen him polishing the door knobs to keep it perfect.
    There are many other places in the world,
    see pictures...


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